Monday, September 17, 2012

We Don't Have To Do Everything Alone

When looking back at Disney's major movies, we see that Disney taught us we don't have to do everything alone. In almost every movie our hero/main character has a friend (or two) that helps them conquer their task! People believe that we must do everything alone because depending on others is too risky. On the other hand, people depend on their friends to do everything for them, never growing themselves. Disney's movies express the correct balance- that things don't have to be as difficult as them seem! We don't have to conquer everything alone. Terrible dilemmas such as going through a  divorce, losing a loved one, losing your job and small dilemmas like getting bad grades, losing a valuable item, getting lost, or simply having a bad day - having a friend will make those situations easier to handle. Everyone needs a true friend! Don't believe you have to defeat everything yourself, let a friend hold your hand as you both master each step. :)

-Created by Alexandra Thiele

If I missed out on of your favorite Disney characters, go ahead and comment about it! :D

1 comment:

  1. I concur. Disney has perfected a formula of a gerat story with a "happily ever after" ending. But the sidekicks have always played an important role in majority of Disney movies.
    There are all times when each of us doubt our abilities or feel it is easier to give up than to stand for what we believe in. It is then that the people we are surrounded by lift us up. I think it reinforces that we need to surround us with people that lift us up - not bring us down? If we surrounded ourselves with negative energy zappers would we really be able to storm the castle and over throw the evil witch?
