Sunday, December 9, 2012





I'm so glad Disney/Pixar did this! ATTENTION PARENTS^^ This is how children (most) feel and what we are thinking when we are doing something that you would disapprove of.

But please understand parents, you have to let us make our own mistakes, get a little scratched up, get hurt. That is how we will grow. That has been said plenty of times so here is my contribution- I believe the parents should let the child make the mistake and not stop them. I believe that the parents should be there for the after math, to be there to help them pick themselves up. Not to pick them up but to support their strength to find their way back, help them understand the meaning behind their mistake, and give them advice on how to deal with the change. The after math is greater then the actual mistake and that is how will we grow to be better.

Vegetables and Fruits




I'll be the first to say "No thank you!" to trying new things. However, your parents don't hate us! They are making sure we get our proper nutrition (no, they aren't lying, it is important xD)

Just try whatever is on your plate, if it is just slimy and not satisfying, let your parents know! You at least tried and that was what they wanted from you! :)

Warning: Please do not eat any bugs. Thank you :)

The Truth

Remember when your parents told you to always be truthful to them, that lying will make situations worse. That if you did something wrong, just go to them because waiting will hurt your case. Well, Aladdin proves it! Jasmine was upset with Aladdin for not telling her the truth about his identity because she would have accepted him anyways. Aladdin didn't believe he would have gotten a chance unless he became a prince, and that is probably true because of the law. However, when it got to the point he should have told her, he should have! Genie even tried to tell him!

In whatever situation, whether you lie at first or wait til later. Trust me, if you don't come clean about a lie and your parents find our through someone else, they will be more upset. So whether or not you choose to lie, be the one to confess... Be the one to confront your parents. They will be proud in you.



Remember we are women and we do not start fights! However, we can finish them :)

Don't Judge a Book by its Cover

We all have heard the famous quote "Don't Judge a Book by its Cover". Pocahontas does a great job showing one of the many examples strangers do not know about others lives. Pocahontas shows John Smith the bear he would have shoot, had a family of bear cubs. What would have happened to those bears cubs if he would have shot the mom, we now don't gave to worry about that possibility. 

Everyone needs to realixe that our friends, our best friends, our girlfriends or boyfriends, our husbands or wives, or family-in-laws, and etc were all strangers once. Each of you walked on this Earth, living your life, without knowing one another. Until one day your lives crossed and became much more than a stranger, you became a loved one. Just because the man in the grocery store or the lady driving in the lane beside you is a stranger to you, that does not mean they are not important to this world. So start treating them with respect. Because if you talked to the elderly man in the grocery store, you would have found out that he is alone because his wife battled cancer. And the lady driving beside you was on her way to her son's funeral... If we take the time to understand more about everyone else, we would learn things we never knew. 

School with Disney

I wouldn't mind my schedule looking like this! :)

The Lion King 2

All Disney movies include some type of couple in love and most of these movies entail the couples being opposites that aren't suppose to be. The Lion King 2 isn't just about two people trying to make their family or the public accept their relationship, they have to fix the rift the generations before caused. It was a difficult challenge because change is hard for many people.Taking the leap of faith is a major dilemma, we hope that more good than bad will end up happening. If it doesn't we feel weak and end up disappointed in our self.

The Lion King 2 was able to combine two families that started off hating one another. They asked for a little a little faith and to open their hearts. More people should do this- of course, our lives wont end up like a Disney movie, it may go complete horrible! But it could also lead us to a happier life. Its a leap more should take.


"Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind, or forgotten."

The Lilo and Stitch movie is clear on their goal to children, however it is an ideal that should be stressed. No matter if you are upset with your sister because she took your favorite shirt out of your closest without asking, or your brother is making fun of you when you're on the phone with the girlfriend/boyfriend, or you decide to 'hate' your parents because they force you to something you don't want to do; at the end of the day, your family is apart of you and they will always be there.

In the post below (about The Lion King) I discuss the disappointment from parents when we mess up and Ohana continues that post. No matter how upset we are at an aunt not texting enough, an uncle missing one of your recitals, your father not spending more time at home, or an argument with your mom, family will love you unconditionally. Every family definitively has their moments but at the end of the day, they will help you from the ditch you dug.

The Lion King

Traits, skills, beliefs, and characteristics of our parents live on through their children. Simba learns that he can't run away from who he really is, the man his father taught him to be -during the time he had-. He feels ashamed of his mistakes and pushes them under the rug so he doesn't have to deal with them. When he is reminded of his responsibilities and gains a little faith he is able to push past his mistake.

As children growing up, we are incredibly scared of upsetting our parents when/if we mess up. Most of the time, we forget that our parents were inexperienced teenagers or college students once and made their own mistakes. We look up to our parents and believe they are perfect because they are our role models. Even when they tell us a story from their past, about them messing up, we think "My mom?/My dad?... Nahhhh" (haha, its very true!)
We are disappointed in ourselves when we make a mistake because we know our parents will be disappointed and that is the last thing we want to do.
In The Lion King, we learn that we can't run away when we make a mistake, we must face it and grow from it. Yes, we will get that horrible disappointed face from our parents but trying to forget your mistake wont lead you into a better you.