Sunday, December 9, 2012


"Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind, or forgotten."

The Lilo and Stitch movie is clear on their goal to children, however it is an ideal that should be stressed. No matter if you are upset with your sister because she took your favorite shirt out of your closest without asking, or your brother is making fun of you when you're on the phone with the girlfriend/boyfriend, or you decide to 'hate' your parents because they force you to something you don't want to do; at the end of the day, your family is apart of you and they will always be there.

In the post below (about The Lion King) I discuss the disappointment from parents when we mess up and Ohana continues that post. No matter how upset we are at an aunt not texting enough, an uncle missing one of your recitals, your father not spending more time at home, or an argument with your mom, family will love you unconditionally. Every family definitively has their moments but at the end of the day, they will help you from the ditch you dug.

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