Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Lion King 2

All Disney movies include some type of couple in love and most of these movies entail the couples being opposites that aren't suppose to be. The Lion King 2 isn't just about two people trying to make their family or the public accept their relationship, they have to fix the rift the generations before caused. It was a difficult challenge because change is hard for many people.Taking the leap of faith is a major dilemma, we hope that more good than bad will end up happening. If it doesn't we feel weak and end up disappointed in our self.

The Lion King 2 was able to combine two families that started off hating one another. They asked for a little a little faith and to open their hearts. More people should do this- of course, our lives wont end up like a Disney movie, it may go complete horrible! But it could also lead us to a happier life. Its a leap more should take.

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