Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Truth

Remember when your parents told you to always be truthful to them, that lying will make situations worse. That if you did something wrong, just go to them because waiting will hurt your case. Well, Aladdin proves it! Jasmine was upset with Aladdin for not telling her the truth about his identity because she would have accepted him anyways. Aladdin didn't believe he would have gotten a chance unless he became a prince, and that is probably true because of the law. However, when it got to the point he should have told her, he should have! Genie even tried to tell him!

In whatever situation, whether you lie at first or wait til later. Trust me, if you don't come clean about a lie and your parents find our through someone else, they will be more upset. So whether or not you choose to lie, be the one to confess... Be the one to confront your parents. They will be proud in you.

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