Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Lion King

Traits, skills, beliefs, and characteristics of our parents live on through their children. Simba learns that he can't run away from who he really is, the man his father taught him to be -during the time he had-. He feels ashamed of his mistakes and pushes them under the rug so he doesn't have to deal with them. When he is reminded of his responsibilities and gains a little faith he is able to push past his mistake.

As children growing up, we are incredibly scared of upsetting our parents when/if we mess up. Most of the time, we forget that our parents were inexperienced teenagers or college students once and made their own mistakes. We look up to our parents and believe they are perfect because they are our role models. Even when they tell us a story from their past, about them messing up, we think "My mom?/My dad?... Nahhhh" (haha, its very true!)
We are disappointed in ourselves when we make a mistake because we know our parents will be disappointed and that is the last thing we want to do.
In The Lion King, we learn that we can't run away when we make a mistake, we must face it and grow from it. Yes, we will get that horrible disappointed face from our parents but trying to forget your mistake wont lead you into a better you.


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